Palomino Blackwing Pencils Review

October 7, 2013


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In my family we love to draw and write anything and everything, so finding the right pencil can be frustrating.  Have you ever come across a pencil and the point gets dull and you try to sharpen it and keeps on breaking? That can be really frustrating at times.  So when I was given the opportunity to do a review on the Palomino Blackwing pencils, I was thrilled.

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The pencils came in this luxurious black box: Palomino Blackwing Limited Edition Combo Pack.  There were a total of 6 several pencils:

  • Palomino Blackwing 602 (2)
  • Palomino Blackwing (2)
  • Palomino Blackwing . Pearl (1)

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Now I wanted to test each one of the pencils out by writing “Sophia’s” name with each one of the pencils.  I first started with the Palomino Blackwing 602, which has a  beautiful soft grey color with a nice sheen over it. It is really smooth and has such a unique square shape eraser.  My daughter just loves it because she stated that it doesn’t break like the number #2 pencils she usually uses. When I pressed to erase something the eraser is indeed firm. I was writing my daughter’s name and you could barely hear anything when writing, which is really nice.  None of all that ictchy-scratchy noise you hear when writing with a normal pencil.

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Now, for the Palomino Blackwing .  I bascially love this pencil.  It has a matte black finish and the lettering shows the Palomino logo with the words “Palomino Blackwing”,  in a gold color. One of the things that my daughter noticed on the pencil are those gold  sparkles  in the lettering area and also on the back of it as well, which is so unique and catchy.  The shiny ferrule finish is really nice and bright.  It so beautiful against the matte black finish.  The eraser is white and firm.  I personally love dark pencils, so in my opinion this makes a exceptionally dark line.  Since we love to draw a lot, I think this pencil is great to accentuate drawings in my opinion.  I was  drawing a manga girl  to see how it would turn out. It looked absolutely awesome. Drawing with the pencils were smooth and the tip did not break at all.Screen Shot 2013-10-06 at 7.54.17 PM

I must say that when I first lay my eyes on the Palomino Blackwing -Pearl pencils, I was truly amazed how beautiful they were.  The white glossy finish is mesmerizing. The lettering is in black instead of the gold color of the Palomino Blackwing.  It has a brass ferrule and has a black eraser.  I must say it looks really great next to the white finish of the pencil.

Over the years I have used quite a bit of pencils, and I must admit  these are my favorite to write and to draw with so far.  Several times I have used pencils and the lead comes off, the eraser comes loose or it feels like your drawing with a hard stick that almost tears the paper.  This can be quite frustrating at times.  My daughter and I have been drawing with the Palomino Pencils and we both agree that these are on top of our pencil list.  You can get a dozen of the Palomino Blackwing 602 pencils for $19.99 a box and more.  These are well-crafted and useful objects for writing and drawing, I definitely would recommend them to everyone.

You can visit Pencils to see a variety of Palomino Blackwing pencils and other products.  You can also connect with Pencils via facebook and twitter.


My opinions are my honest, and thoughtful views and were not influenced by any source. I was not compensated monetarily for this review. Thank you to the PR representative/Pencils for providing a complimentary sample for the review.

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  • Closer to Lucy October 8, 2013 at 12:31 am

    My son is a sketch artist and swears that the pencil makes all the difference in the final project. I typically stuff his stocking with different pencils and have seen all kinds. These are truly different and now on my radar! Thank you for sharing, I always feel like such a jerk when looking for his drawing instruments. Maybe this year I’ll look like I know a thing or two :0)

  • Daisy October 9, 2013 at 1:31 am

    I need to try these. My family loves doing art activities together and these would be fun.

  • krystal October 9, 2013 at 2:20 am

    Very nice drawings! I used to sketch and paint all the time when I was younger, I would have loved a nice set of pencils like those.

  • Beeb October 9, 2013 at 4:15 pm

    These look perfect for any artist!