It is just a great feeling to know that Spring is finally here! I have been waiting for a while to say “Hello” to my favorite season to arrive. What could be a perfect activity more than any other activity to celebrate Spring? How about making your own “Egg-cellent Decorative Easter Eggs”. This method of decorating your Easter eggs can be very messy, but extremely exciting and fun! Just be certain to wear an apron and spread quite a bit of newspaper around your work table to catch your little ones scattered paint. Now, let’s start decorating our “Egg-cellent Decorative Eggs”
Paint bottles
Paint brushes
Apron or smock
Egg carton
Construction or manila paper
Glass with water
Newspaper or any other roll of paper (Cover the work table)
Start spreading newspaper or any other roll paper on your work table. Pour all the paint colors you will be using in the egg carton. As you can see, Sophia was so excited to pour the paint in the egg carton, that she forgot to put on her apron.
Get your construction or manila paper and start tracing the shape of an egg. Place several sheets of paper together and cut out some egg shapes, then place it on the table. Give them each a cut out egg shape and let them start decorating their eggs anyway they want.
Sophia was way too eager to start painting and since I am always protective of her clothes, I made sure she had her apron on this time. Wear some play clothes or make sure you have “Oxi-Clean” at hand.
Make as many decorative eggs as you want. Encourage them to use all the colors. Paint stripes, polka dots, wiggly lines, faces or anything you can think of. Be creative. Place the completed decorative eggs in a different area to dry out. Once they are all finished with decorating the eggs and they have all dried, glue them on a large piece of roll paper or stick tape to the back of the eggs and post them all over your walls.
cute idea
She did such a beautiful job!
Following your lovely blog now. But I wonder why my avatar doesn't show as the lastest follower!
Thanks for your comments. Veronica I see your Avatar as my recent follower 🙂 Hopefully you can refresh your browser and see if it will show up. Thanks for coming by and leaving your sweet comment. Come back and see more fun stuff.
Great idea!! Thanks for following me at The Brouse House! I am going to get some paint this week to make some!! I think we will do it outside though haha!
What a cute blog you have! Thank you for stopping by and following mine. I will be back!
Cute project – If I decide that my son can handle this we will probably be making some over Spring Break! I am following you back from Tuesday Tag (awhile ago…)
What a great craft! I can't wait until my daughter is a little older to do this!
I'm now following!
Thanks for the lovely comments. We were actually going to paint outdoors, but it was a rainy day and we decided to do indoors :). Have fun with it and let me know how it went.
How fun!! This looks like a project we may have to do one of these days!
Thanks so much for the follow!
following you from the MBC
Following you back from MBC 🙂
Following now, thanks for visiting my blog!
Love your blog and all the wonderful ideas to do with the children.Following you back form the MBC!!
Debi (Truthful Mommy)
thanks for the follow! I am following you back and love that you re-used the egg carton for the paint try! Please let me know how the family likes the bacon-wrapped meatloaf.
Very Cute!!
Following from MBC. Come follow me too 🙂
Super Cute!!! I'm taggin back!!
Great memories doing this with my girls they are almost teenagers.Enjoy!Tag your it:)
Tag youre it!
Tag, you're it!
I love her beautiful easter egg project!!
Tag! You're it!
Thanks everyone for playing Tag! I truly enjoy it :)Have a Happy Tuesday!
What an awesome craft. I am going to do this with my granddaughters this week.
Following you back. ~Sandy~
Tag! Very cute idea!
Following from:
Super awesome! I can't wait until my boys can paint! Tagging you back!
Tag! You're it! I am one of your newest followers.
I love this idea : ) I have been thinking about what Easter type of crafts I was going to do with my three yr old and now I think we'll do this!
She is beautiful & great project
*tag Tuesday*
Tag Your It!!!
Tag Your it! I love this craft idea for Easter. I think I am going to do it with my girls this weekend. Thanks for the great idea
I just added your button..in the swap button idea.
I really love your site. So cute and cheerful!
Thanks for adding my button! Have a great day!
Oh, how I envy really creative moms! I need to do more arts and crafts with my daughter. Thank you for your sincere comment on my blog. I'm following you now from MBC.
what a great idea!
thanks for tagging – tag you back!
I like the art work. YOu have great ideas.
I know you said that you were interested in some of the L'Bri products. Come on over and check out my March drawing…
I hope that you have a good weekend.
I super like the egg faces! Great idea 🙂
thats a really good idea, i love how you seperate the paint colors with ann egg carton, ill definitly have to try it!
Love this egg idea! I am always looking for new activities to do with my girls and cannot to try this!
*I am now following you from MBC 🙂