Olivia and Team Umizoomi Giveaway-Closed!

Who doesn’t dream about being princess for a day. Now Olivia gets her chance in her brand new DVD, Olivia: Princess for a Day, being released September 6, 2011. Join her as she trade places with a real princess and gets to live in…

September 3, 2011

Hint – Drink Water, Not Sugar Review!

We all get thirsty, especially during this heat wave we are having this year down in Texas. However, sometimes you don’t want a sugary soda or fruit juice, and plain old water will just not cut it. You want something with flavor, yet you…

August 23, 2011

Yo Gabba Gabba & Fanboy and Chum Chum DVD Giveaway-CLOSED!

Who doesn’t love music? We love all kinds of music in our house. That is why we like Yo Gabba Gabba so much, because there is always a variety of good music on their show. Well, Nickelodeon has released another great DVD called Yo…

August 13, 2011

Pocoyo DVD Giveaway-CLOSED!

Hi everyone. I would like to tell you all about a wonderful and fun show starring a boy dressed in blue named Pocoyo. My daughter loves the color blue, so the minute my daughter first saw Pocoyo on NickJr, she had to see more…

August 7, 2011

Who Is Simon Miller? Giveaway-CLOSED!

Walmart and P&G Family Movie Night is back with a brand new thriller, Who Is Simon Miller? This fast paced made for TV spy drama airs Saturday, August 6th at 8/7 central on NBC. Simon Miller (Loren Dean) is  a geologist mysteriously disappears one…

July 31, 2011

Crunch Pak Disney Foodles

As we all know, getting kids to eat right is a constant struggle. Kids are very picky and only like certain things. My daughter loves having her sandwiches in triangles, her apples sliced like little crescents, her carrots in sticks and her cucumbers half…

July 19, 2011

Nickelodeon: Team Umizoomi and Victorious DVD Giveaway-CLOSED!

Your preschoolers favorite team are here. Making their DVD debut on June 28, 2011 is Nickelodeon’s Team Umizoomi. They’re mini, they’re mighty and they’re built for math. Milli, Geo and Bot use their mighty math powers to help kids solve big problems. Go on an…

June 29, 2011

Banana Nibblers

  It’s been quite a while since we did our last cooking video, so I decided to make another one.  This time around it will be a great little snack for any occasion. My daughter and I love snacking on fruit. There really is…

June 24, 2011

New Nickelodeon DVD Releases and Giveaway-CLOSED

Summer is here, and so is Nickelodeon with some hot, new DVDs on June 21st. From play dates, to summer vacations, and music sensations, Nickelodeon is sure to please with these brand new DVDs. First off is Nickelodeon Favorites: Big Box of Play Dates,…

June 20, 2011