Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce!

Before I start with my post, I would like to wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick’s Day.  Did you wear green today?  Now, lets start our blog post. Do you know how long I wanted to make Chicken Satay? Well, I finally had time…

March 17, 2011

Nickelodeon: Big Time Rush: Season One, Vol. 1 DVD Giveaway-CLOSED

Nickelodeon’s newest music sensation Big Time Rush, hits the stores with the first ever DVD, Big Time Rush: Season One, Volume One. Watch as the four friends from Minnesota, trade the cold weather for sunny Los Angeles for music stardom. However, the road to…

March 15, 2011

St. Patrick’s Day Cupcakes!

We just ended one holiday celebration, and now we are about to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. I thought the best way to start my St. Patrick’s Day blog post would be by making some lovely St. Patrick’s Day cupcakes. I had all my supplies…

March 10, 2011

New Chick-Fil-A Banana Pudding Milkshakes Giveaway-CLOSED

I just love banana pudding, it seems to show up at almost every friend and family gatherings. Smooth, rich, sweet and creamy, banana pudding is a dessert you can feel good eating, because after all, you are eating fruit. And now, Chick-fil-A introduces Banana Pudding…

March 8, 2011

Unique Hand Print Wrapping Paper!

It’s been a few days since I have published a blog post, but not to worry everything is just fine. I guess time flies by when your having fun. Now, it’s time for another fun kid friendly craft. If you already noticed in our…

March 7, 2011

CSN Stores Lights!

Spring is right around the corner, and you know what that means, flowers! So it is time to get the garden in order. I love sitting outside and enjoying the beautiful flowers and scenery. As long as the weather is nice, I could be…

March 1, 2011

The Backyardigans and SpongeBob SquarePants DVD Giveaway-CLOSED

Avast me hearties, Nickelodeon’s The Backyardigans: We Arrrr Pirates DVD is here. Set sail on March 8, 2011 with four exciting pirate adventures. The five backyard buddies are off on a sea worthy adventure with your preschooler. Join them as they train at Pirate Camp,…

February 26, 2011

Miraclebody Jeans Review

It’s me again, and if your not sitting down while reading this post, pull up a chair and get comfortable. Just recently I came across this website that carries these wonderful fitting jeans Miraclebody Jeans by Miraclesuit. Here is a little information about Miraclesuit: Since…

February 24, 2011

Berry-licious Sorbet Treat!

Ok, are you ready for a yummy homemade  Berry-licious Sorbet Treat for you and the family to enjoy. Well, then let me share this recipe with you all.  It easy, and you can even let the kids help with this. Let’s make it a…

February 21, 2011

Bento Lunch Boxes!

Ok, I must be living underneath a rock or something, because I did not know what Bento Lunch Boxes were until I happened to stumble upon an image of one. If you didn’t know either, a Bento Box is a Japanese lunch box. When…

February 19, 2011