Family Movie Night: Change of Plans and giveaway-CLOSED

Family Movie Night is here again. Saturday, January 8th at 8/7c on FOX, Walmart and P&G present “Change of Plans”. This is a funny and heartwarming movie made for the entire family. It tells the story of how fulfilling life can be when you…

January 3, 2011

Nickelodeon: Spongebob Squarepants DVD’s Giveaway-CLOSED

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Yes, Spongebob Squarepants. My daughter loves watching Spongebob. He and his pals are always in some crazy stories. I must admit the show is pretty funny. Now, Nickelodeon is releasing the DVD, Spongebob Squarepants: Legends of Bikini…

December 29, 2010

New Year’s Customs

The New Year is approaching. It is time when you look back on the year and reflect and remember. It is also a time when you think about what your resolution will be for the New Year. What will you do to improve yourself.…

December 29, 2010

Gift Wrapping Ideas!

Ok, I love when I receive a gift and the wrapping is absolutely to die for. It could even be the simpliest gift, but I believe when you gift wrap a present it looks like a million bucks. What I love to do, and…

December 21, 2010

Nickelodeon DVD’s Giveaway-CLOSED

Nickelodeon introduces Princess Kai-Lan. a new DVD adventure. where Kai-Lan becomes princess for a day. The episode features guest vocals from Lucy Liu, and teaches children some Mandarin Chinese and how to deal with their emotions. Join Kai-Lan and friends as she helps the…

December 19, 2010

Homemade Holiday Cards!

I personally love making cards because I always think they are unique and homemade. Now, whether it is for a birthday, Easter or any other special occasion I always like to give at least one homemade card to the family. This year we decided…

December 17, 2010

Bed Head Pajamas Review

Before I start, I have to tell you all that I am a big pajama fan.  Yes, I love wearing pajamas around the house, even if I am not going to bed yet. I just like to lounge around in them because they are…

December 16, 2010

SmartyAnts Learn to Read Review and Giveaway-CLOSED

As you all know me by now, I am all for educational games that will enhance my daughter’s learning. Anything that teaches her and is fun, I am all for it. Kids and even adults learn better when they are having a good time.…

December 15, 2010

Christmas Ornament Cookies

As you already know we love cookies at my house, so today we are going to make Christmas Ornament Cookies. These are super simple to make and the kids get to decorate their own ornament cookie. Here is what you will need. 1 Sugar Cookie…

December 13, 2010

CSN Stores Giveaway-CLOSED

As we all know, this time of the year stores are packed. There are no parking spaces and the cash register lines seem to wrap around the store. That is why I love shopping online at CSN Stores.  All I have to do is…

December 11, 2010