Rock ‘N Learn Review and Giveaway-CLOSED!

Well it is that time again, when school is about to start and finding great educational programs to teach your little ones is a must. Since, I have a little pre-schooler on my hand I always try to find interesting educational programs to keep…

August 18, 2010

SugarBooger Vintage Alphabet Lunch Sack by ORE Review!

Well it is that time again, when we are preparing for our Back to School shopping. Yes, summer fun is almost over and done and now it is time to get back into the real fun of everything; which is shopping for school supplies…

August 16, 2010

Just another day to bake a cake!

Well, don’t you have those days, where you just feel like baking something. This particular day, not any special day or anything, I felt like baking a cake with the little one. Oh, you should have seen the look on Sophia’s face when I…

August 14, 2010

Evenflo’s Ultimate Savvy Parent’s Car Kit -CLOSED

Are you planning a last minute road trip with your family? Well, then read what I am about to tell you.  Evenflo is aiding  parents like you and me to travel safer this summer or any other time with their spanking new Evenflo Momenttum…

August 12, 2010

Agoo Apparel Review and Giveaway-CLOSED!

– As we all know kids are very active in whatever they are doing and I know because I have a little one who is quite active. You try your best to find clothes that are stylish, soft and comfortable; this way they can…

August 10, 2010

Affordable Scarves Review and Giveaway-CLOSED

How many people do you know that love to wear a scarf with clothing? Yep, I bet you would said quite a bit of people. Well guess what? I am guilty too. Scarves add so much beauty and style to any outfit you are…

August 7, 2010

Petite Pizza Party

Well, it has been too long since we were in the kitchen. So today we will show you all one of our quick and easy recipes. Well, since school will be starting soon, we as parents need to come up with recipes that are…

August 5, 2010

Hallmark Recordable Story Books Review and Giveaway-CLOSED

I definitely need to let you all know about this product that I am about to review and offer as a giveaway.  Looking for cards as always, I stumbled on the Hallmark Recordable Story Book. This definitely made me stop what I was doing…

August 2, 2010

Joy of Soap Review and Giveaway-CLOSED

I personally am very fond of beautiful soap and I doubly love them when they are handmade and scented. They are tiny bits of luxury every woman and man should have. I was given the opportunity to review several bars of The Joy of…

July 31, 2010

Barefoot Books Review and Giveaway-CLOSED!

Prior to having my little one, I used to read to her each night wile she was still in my tummy.  I knew from that start that she enjoyed reading, because there was not a lot of kicking going on when I did read.…

July 27, 2010