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Holiday Gift Guide: Hope In A Box: Fleece Lime/Dove Blanket

December 1, 2015

I came upon this company called Hope in a Box and I was very touch about the story behind it.    Hope in a Box is a amazing company founded by a husband and wife team who persevered through difficult times through prayer.  The H.O.P.E. (Hang On Pray Everyday) line of products and gift boxes have been developed to remind us to ‘HANG ON’ to the promises made by God in scripture such as that He will meet our needs (Phil 4:19),…

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Holiday Gift Guide: Peekaboo Beans

I love looking for unique and one-of-a-kind kids clothing. So I want to introduce to you all, Peekaboo Beans: a playwear line for kids.  Peekaboo Beans company is from British Columbia founded by Traci Costa. They offer durable, innovative everyday playing clothing for children…

December 22, 2013

Holiday Gift Guide: Slanket-CLOSED

If you are like me, and always cold, then you have to try the Slanket. Are you wondering what a Slanket is? Well, it is a huge blanket made out of fleece which includes sleeves. Yes, now you can drink your hot cocoa, browse…

November 5, 2010