As a parent it is very important to teach your little one to respect each other and treat everyone like you would like to be treated, even if they are different. I had the opportunity to review this amazing book called “The Little King and His Marshmallow Kingdom” by Louis Rotella III. This book is about a wonderful, smart and funny little eight year old boy called Louie. He was born with Down Syndrome, but that does not stop him…
I definitely need to let you all know about this product that I am about to review and offer as a giveaway. Looking for cards as always, I stumbled on the Hallmark Recordable Story Book. This definitely made me stop what I was doing…
Prior to having my little one, I used to read to her each night wile she was still in my tummy. I knew from that start that she enjoyed reading, because there was not a lot of kicking going on when I did read.…