Holiday Gift Guide: Journal of a Lifetime

November 27, 2015

Before I even knew about this Journal of Lifetime called “Dear Mom, from you to me“, my daughter kept on asking a lot of questions about my childhood.  Each night before we go to sleep she asks me questions on what my favorite food was when I was little, and what I wanted to be when I was her age.  All she wanted were answers to my childhood.  Since my native language is Dutch, she asks me when I was little if I was dreaming in Dutch or English. She still asks me that question now and I tell her I occasionally dream in both languages depending on where the dream takes place.  Kids asks the funniest things sometimes.

913IOrtLxoLNow, that I found the Dear Mom, from you to me, I can set a hour aside to write down anything about my childhood.  It has 60 carefully designed questions to ask  about mom’s life.  Photo’s can be added to make it even more personable. It’s nice to share stories of my wonderful childhood and life. This will allow my daughter to feel that she knows her mother and where her mom came from.  I know this journal will make her extremely happy and it will be with her for the rest of her life and she can eventually pass it on to her child.  They also have various journals such as Dear Dad, Dear Grandma, Dear Grandpa and more.  The journal has a hardback, case-bound with a ribbon book mark, it’s size is 207mm x 143mm and includes 128 pages.

I personally think this is an amazing journal to have and will be treasured for years to come.  This is definitely one of my favorite gift idea for the Holidays!  For more information about Journal of Lifetime visit their site and to see some of their other products.  You can connect with them via facebook, twitter and pinterest.

Happy Holidays!


My opinions are my honest, and thoughtful views and were not influenced by any source. I was not compensated monetarily for this review.  Thank you to sponsor/PR Agency for providing a complimentary sample for the review.


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