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Johnsonville Continental Breakfast Recipe

October 11, 2015

Wow, I can’t believe that we are already in October.  Time flies when you have kids and you’re having fun!  I do admit that when the weather is getting colder I love to prepare a nice hot breakfast for the kids each morning.  Not only do I believe that a good breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it also provides them with enough protein for them to have energy to stay focused and mentally prepared during…

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Butterball Turkey

ButterBall Giveaway-CLOSED!

Well, it has been a while since I posted one of my amazing blog posts, but now  I am back and ready to share some of my amazing story features. Now that summer is here and the kids are out of school, I need…

June 15, 2015

Johnsonville’s Sausage Review

I hope everyone is staying cool this summer, because it sure is “HOT’ here! However, nothing can make me feel happier on a nice hot day than grilling and BBQing.  My husband loves to BBQ and grill almost every Sunday. When the World Cup…

July 27, 2014