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My Surinamese Christmas Dinner

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and that you all enjoyed spending time with friends, family and lots of delicious snacks and food. This time I will show all of you my Surinamese Christmas dinner I prepared for my family. I enjoy cooking,…

December 27, 2015

Christmas Activity with the kids: Gingerbread House Kit

I love this time of year and doing fun and exciting activities with the kids.  Whether it is baking, cooking, crafting, or decorating the Christmas tree, we love staying busy doing family fun stuff. Each year I have a tradition where we pick up…

December 5, 2015

First Thanksgiving meal at our home!

Well, I am so excited to let you all know that we had our First Thanksgiving meal at our home.  Yes, after 13 years living in our home, today has been the first time we actually cooked our First Thanksgiving meal at our home.…

November 26, 2015

Butter Ball Turkey Roast feature and giveaway-CLOSED!

Who doesn’t like a good meal on Thanksgiving Day!  Well I know my family does, and I know your will too.  That is why we started a little bit early to prepare a delicious Turkey Roast from Butterball.  I call it our pre-Thanksgiving meal.…

November 10, 2015

Yummy Kawaii Bento Book

After reading through the book Yummy Kawaii Bento: Preparing Adorable Meals for Adorable Kids by Li Ming Lee, I can finally  say that my kids will now enjoy their meals even more. The cover of the book makes you want to stop what your…

November 1, 2015

Johnsonville Continental Breakfast Recipe

Wow, I can’t believe that we are already in October.  Time flies when you have kids and you’re having fun!  I do admit that when the weather is getting colder I love to prepare a nice hot breakfast for the kids each morning.  Not…

October 11, 2015

Seasoned Grilled Chicken meal

My family and I enjoy watching cooking shows, and they sure do make it look so easy when you watch them prepare a nice meal. It has been a while since I posted a food recipe so I decided to make a quick and…

August 23, 2015
Butterball Turkey

ButterBall Giveaway-CLOSED!

Well, it has been a while since I posted one of my amazing blog posts, but now  I am back and ready to share some of my amazing story features. Now that summer is here and the kids are out of school, I need…

June 15, 2015

“Snappers” a perfect snack for any day or a party!

I recently was given a chance to review these amazing snacks called “Snappers” by Edward Marc. I was quite excited to try them out because my family loves chocolate and pretzels.  I received several Snapper packages to review from Original Chocolate, Dark Chocolate Sea…

November 9, 2014

Halloween: Chocolate Covered Bat Berries

Well, it is that time of year again when we all enjoy getting dressed up for Halloween and the great parties that go with it.  So here is a great Halloween Party snack idea that both you and your friends will enjoy.  It is…

October 28, 2014